Are you ready to join the JGC?

Membership Fees:

Primary membership is $75.00 per year. Each additional family member is $35.00.

Youth (17 and Under)/Student (student ID required) is $40.00.

Associate membership fee for those living outside Juneau is $35.00.

Membership year is October 1st – September 30th. Prorated memberships are available at a reduced a reduced cost based upon a price schedule on file at the Juneau Gun Club, located at 5680 Montana Creek Road.

Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all shooting events. The Juneau Gun Club reserves the right to refuse service to any person(s). The JGC is a no-profit organization operated by the membership. All members are encouraged to participate and assist in the operation and maintenance of the club.

Juneau Gun Club Range Rules:


The following range rules apply everyone – no exceptions. If you are new to the club and unfamiliar with the range rules and etiquette, any member will be quick to assist and answer questions, so don’t hesitate to ask for help. Any violation of the rules may be cause for loss of club membership and privileges.

1. Always point your gun in a safe direction

2. Never point your gun toward the trap house when the red flag or orange cone is displayed (this indicates someone is in the trap house loading targets). “DON’T BE A GUN WAVER”

3. EAR AND EYE PROTECTION IS REQUIRED on the shooting line and anywhere in the trap area

4. Actions open except on the firing line or in the rack. “OPEN OR OUT!”

5. Keep action open and finger off the trigger until ready to shoot

6. Load only one shell for singles, two for doubles and continental

7. Guns must be empty when changing stations

8. When moving from station 5 to station 1, walk “behind” other shooters

9. NO SHOOTING WILL BE ALLOWED AFTER THE CONSUMPTION OF ANY ALCOHOL (Alcohol is not permitted on the premises)

Click to Read the Participation Agreement: